Monday, June 12, 2017

Léih hóu!
This week has been crazy! It's gone so fast and I can definitely feel time flying by. This email will probably be a little chaotic--I have no sense of time here and I'm not really sure what happened when but here goes:
First off, on Monday we got to move into the new buildings and THEY. ARE. AMAZING. My classroom is on the top floor and we have a GORGEOUS view of the mountains and the temple and it's pretty sweet. I'll be sure to include a picture. :) It's amazing to see how much the work is progressing, even here in the MTC. :)
Hosting this week was SO MUCH FUN and it was so fun to see all the new missionaries coming in! Speaking of, we get FOURTEEN new Cantos this week (that's seriously so many) and I'm so excited to meet all of them! Our upper Cantos left early this morning for Hong Kong and we miss them so much already (the departing districts sang in church yesterday and the whole zone definitely just sat there and cried) but we'll be seeing them all in just 6 weeks. :)
Also I'm officially not sick as of this week! SO nice to be able to breathe again. Lóuh Jímuih wasn't getting better though, so we ended up having to take her to the doctor, who sent us into the REAL WORLD to get her some antibiotics from the pharmacy. It was so weird to be off church property, but definitely a fun adventure. While we were walking down the street, a runner passed by us and said "Hey Sisters!" and Lóuh Jímuih turned to me and said, "Do you think she thinks we're REAL missionaries??" before we realized that we ARE real missionaries. Still getting used to that.
Teaching "investigators" has been really good! We also had our first TRC on Saturday, where they bring in real people from the real world and we have to teach them something in Cantonese (basically visiting teaching). We've got a lot of room to grow but it's so good to see that we're somehow able to get a message across in Cantonese/Chinglish. It also helps that everyone is so nice. :)
My theme this week that I've kept repeating to myself is that "There's no growth in your comfort zone and there's no comfort in your growth zone" and oh how true that is. I've definitely had a lot of really hard days here, but looking back I can now see that those were the days that I learned the most and came closest to Christ, and it's all worth it in the end. :)
Have a good week everyone! Love you all so much!
Gwok Jímuih

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet letter! Your spirit is like the ripples of a stone cast in a pond--they keep reaching and touching everything. You and your companions are constantly in my prayers.
    I love you more!
