Sunday, August 12, 2018

More Subject Line Submissions Welcome

Leihdeih hou!
This week has been good!
We had transfers this past Thursday. I don't want to be overdramatic and say that saying goodbye to Sister Briggs was one of the hardest parts of my mission, but there it is. Sister Gaillard is so much fun though and we've already had so much fun together these past four days! We're really looking forward to this coming transfer. Lots and lots of good things ahead. :) Also being with Sister Gaillard again keeps tricking me into thinking I'm back in Tai Wai/Sha Tin, which has been a nice time warp for me. I've even been craving coconut water again lately.
We started out the transfer with a service project in Aberdeen. We took out some mentally disabled people (they're all seriously so sweet) to a museum! This museum was not one of the classy art museums, it was a weird art museum. Like, there was a full room dedicated to an exhibit where you walked in and turned on the lights and then there would be creepy laughing and a bunch of baby dolls would start moving around. I for one am a fan of classy art. It was a fun experience, I guess, but I'm happy to not go back, hahaha.
Miracle of the week: So I guess now we're French missionaries! Not really, but Sister Gaillard has certainly been attracting a lot of French people lately. One of these is a super super cute girl we met in Aberdeen! She's from Madagascar and is SO SWEET. We invited her to a stake activity that we had last night (which was all in Chinese but it was in the building where the international branches meet so we figured that was good enough) and as it turns out, she lives with members in the Aberdeen ward, so she already knew people there! And she also brought her super sweet Indonesian friend, and they both really loved it and it was so fun getting to know them. They kept saying that they felt so comfortable with us and that when they were at the church they felt that they could have positive thoughts, and isn't that exactly what the gospel does for us? We can think positive because we know who we are and Whose we are and we know that the One that knows everything has a plan just for us. Isn't that great?
Love you all! Thanks for the love. :)
Sister Wasden

Sister Gaillard is so cute
One last pre-transfer zone picture
J Chillin
Cheng out with our deaf members :)
Saying goodbye to Sister Briggs
At that museum...
With our new pals and the West Point sisters :)

1 comment:

  1. Leihdeih hou! Sister Wasden, I am glad to hear of your "good week." I have also had a "good week." I have finalized plans to attend the Rome, Italy Temple "Open House" the first week of February 2019.This is my exciting news to share with you this week. (Don't tell your dad that I am spending his inheritance! :) ) Kidding--besides, all he wants are my "nick-nacks" anyway. :)

    Stay the course and keep the faith; you are the subject of my prayers.

    I love you more!

