Sunday, August 20, 2017

My Week in HK feat. The Raddest P-Day Yet

Leihdeih hou!
This week has gone by SO FAST! It's hands-down been my favorite week so far though!
Last p-day, Sister Christensen and I went to OCEAN PARK, which is kind of like SeaWorld. It actually made me miss Six Flags a lot but it's all cool because it was SO FUN. The rides were delightful and there were SO MANY little aquariums (AKA my most favorite things) and we just had so so so much fun. :) There was also a cable car that went over the mountain, and the views were INCREDIBLE. I'll try to attach a couple pictures. :)
On Wednesday, we headed into Kowloon Tong to see the new missionaries, all my cute MTC pals! Seeing them all again was so happy! We got to take them out on splits to show them some of Hong Kong, and even though I'm still definitely a baby missionary and probably shouldn't be trusted to wander off into Tai Wai without a more experienced missinoary, I still got to do exactly that with Sister Johnson! She's already such a pro and we had a super productive and super fun finding session! Also, the Gift of Tongues is SO REAL. Typically, without Sister Christensen around to translate for me, I wouldn't be able to understand ANYTHING, but we were able to ahve SO MANY conversations and understand everything, which was such a cool experience. It was also exactly the boost I was needing, since I was kind of feeling pretty down about Cantonese in language study that morning. Super cool. :)
On Thursday, Brother and Sister Hui chinges us out to PIZZA and ICE CREAM (seriously the best ice cream cone I've ever had), and my littler American heart about exploded with joy. Also my pizza had a fried egg in the middle and it tasted SO GOOD. So grateful for our sweet members. :)
Later that day we had a WILD stake youth activity where we literally just split up into teams and shot at each other with Nerf bows and arrows (apparently they also had a wild water fight activity right before I got here. This stake doesn't mess around). SO. FUN. Also we moved down to the 2nd floor to do ambush-style attacks and I got hit in the face, which 1. Was a really sweet shot, and 2. Cued a MASSIVE bloody nose. Again, no big deal (that was #6 this week), but this  cute little kid was SO CONCERNED about me and it was SO SWEET. He saw Sister Christensen and I rushing off to the bathroom and went "WOAH. Are you okay??" and then he ran off to tell everyone by saying "OH NO! Ngohdeih saatjo chyuhngaausih!! (We killed a missionary!!)" So sweet and so funny. :)
I also tried moon cake this week. As it turns out, I do not like mooncakes.
We also had SO MANY good lessons this week! My favorite was Lau Jimuih's. We taught her and her cute family (including her husband, who I'd never met) about eternal families and the temple, so naturally we taught them with President and Sister Lam. In President and Sister Lam's house. Which is IN THE TEMPLE. Seriously such a cool lesson and President and Sister Lam were SO HELPFUL. So so so grateful for them!
You guys, this church is SO TRUE! I love being in a position where I can share it with others and watch it change lives. Life is oh so good!
Love you all!
Sister Wasden


  1. The pics & view is awesome. Love that you're finding joy is service. Keep that positive attitude & Keep the Faith flying high. You're loved in TX. ❤️Auntie M

  2. Whoops-some poor Grammer with Siri cell use. Forgive but know you're in my thoughts & daily prayers. Love, Auntie M
