Monday, March 12, 2018

Sangyaht Faailohk

Leihdeih hou!
This week has been really good! Again, not too much time today, so here's another highlights reel for your entertainment:
1. All of the missionaries had to give talks in church yesterday in the Sha Tin ward. Turns out I don't like giving talks in Cantonese any better than I do in English. I talked about how the Book of Mormon can help members do missionary work. The Book of Mormon is really really important everyone. Make sure you're reading it and sharing it. :)
2. Sister Risenmay's birthday is today! For her birthday celebration we're going to go hear Elder Stevenson from the Quorum of the Twelve speak to all the HK missionaries. We're pretty excited. :)
3. On Saturday, we got a nice surprise emergency moves calls from the APs: Sister Kimball is going to Macau! TODAY. It was really short notice so we've been doing lots of packing (and a little bit of pouting). We've started really loving trio life and we're so sad it only lasted 2.5 weeks! Also Sister Risenmay and I will still be covering both Sha Tin and Tai Wai and we have no idea how we'll get around Sha Tin without Sister Kimball's help. Hopefully this is the closest I'll ever have to get to whitewashing an area. We'll be calling the elders for directions a lot, probably.
4. Oh yeah, I'm 20 now! Thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes, they really made my whole week! I feel so blessed to have so much love and support from all of you, and I'm so grateful for each of you! To party (last p-day) we met up with a bunch of other sisters and headed to the Cheesecake Factory. It was hard to find, expensive (really actually just American prices), and so much fun! A great way to party.
5. Oh yeah, while we were out finding on my birthday, I got hit on by a 16 year old (as opposed to the usual old men). Nothing to make you feel like you finally beat your teenage years like teenagers flirting with you. Adulthood is weird.
6. While at a less active's house, I made a cat friend! Not gonna lie, this was one of the highlights of my week.
7. We also sent a postcard to General Mills. This is because we really do love cereal, not because we're hoping they'll send us cereal in return (although that would be nice). When you're a missionary, you gotta find ways to keep entertained, you know?
Anyways. Life is good! I feel like as soon as you get comfortable and start to feel like you know what you're doing, things change on you, but that's how you keep growing. That's definitely what's been happening to me over here in Hong Kong for the past nine months! But if you keep Christ at the center of your life, He'll keep you balanced, every time.
Thanks for all the love and support! Have a good week!
Sister Wasden

1. Am I going to declare this cat the new third member of our trio? Maybe.
2. Birthdays and artsy trees
3. The tripanionship. We'll miss this.
4. A dramatic send off of our postcard

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