Sunday, May 20, 2018

This Weeeek

Leihdeih hou!
This week has been good! Busy, hot, but good. I don't have much time (again. I am so sorry), so here's a lame summary of what's going on:
1. We got smartphones! I was a little nervous about this new development but it's already so obvious how much they will bless the work. Also having Pleco (a Chinese dictionary app) is an actual lifesaver and studies have gotten so much better. Hallelujah.
2. Sister Lee flew back to Korea! We were only together for a few short weeks, but I learned so much from here while she was here and I'm so grateful for the time that we had.
3. My new companion is Sister Briggs from Utah! She was one of my very best friends back in Lion Rock (no one believes we're actually comps and I kind of keep expecting here to disappear when I turn around), so I'm of course expecting this transfer to be a party and a half.
4. We got a new investigator named Wing! He is seriously the coolest person in the world and I love getting to meet with him. He has a ton of really good sincere questions, and so much interest. The best.
5. I don't know why I've never mentioned this before, but the word for "children" in Cantonese directly translates to "small friend" and I think that's important for everyone to know.
The work is good. It's hard, but it's good. God is real, Jesus loves you, and the church is true. Have a good week everyone. :)
Sister Wasden


1. Saying goodbye to Sister Lee (yes I did feel 8 feet tall the whole time we were together)
2. Artsy picture of a ding-ding, taken from a ding-ding. Sister Kayla Wasden. Cell phone, digital. 2018.
3. Sister Briggs (on a ding-ding again. I love those things)
4. The view from a member's window

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