Sunday, September 23, 2018

Hidden Blessings

Leihdeih hou!
This week was...good.
I think this week will best make sense backwards (it's been one of those weeks, hahaha). So on Saturday, we had a day that I've pretty much been dreading since it happened last year: flu shots. We got a nice text about it in the beginning of the week, and on Saturday the whole mission had to mosey on over to the mission home for our vaccines. I immediately felt cold tendrils of fear grip my heart and experienced a rather unpleasant flashback to flu shots last year, when I cried nearly uncontrollably in front of not only my whole zone, but most of two other zones as well (a panic response, I wasn't actually that freaked out, promise). As a young trainee, this was not the best first impression to make on half the mission. So anyways, the text comes in, and I'm not excited to see how I can outdo myself this year. BUT God heard my prayers, and He decided to bless me in an unexpected way... with the actual flu itself.
Admittedly, I grumbled about the flu a little bit when I first got it. I'd woken up with it on Tuesday, but after being stuck inside all of Sunday and Monday (why couldn't I have gotten it then, when we were stuck inside anyways?), I wasn't about to let ourselves be cooped up again, so we proceeded to go out and do all of our needed meetings and things. Twelve hours of freedom after the typhoon misery, folks. Only twelve hours. On Wednesday the fever hit me hard and I had to stay home all day. (Lesson learned from staying inside so much: I would not do well under house arrest.) I still wasn't doing better by Thursday, but the work of the Lord must go on, so we pressed forward. The fevers and other misery can't keep this companionship down. However, on Saturday, when I told the lady with the needles that I had the flu at that very moment and she said it wasn't "recommended" that I get the flu shot, I said a prayer of gratitude and have not uttered one complaint since.
Other lesson learned: sometimes we have awful trials in our lives and we're not sure why God would allow them to happen to us, but often, if we look back, we'll see that those trials were really just hidden blessings all along. And I think if we try to see them as blessings while we're in the midst of those trials, we'll be all the happier for it. I'll be working on applying that to my other trails too. Let me know how it goes for you.
In other news, feel free to pray for the rest of the misson's arms. From what I heard, the flu shots hurt. ;)
Seriously though, life is good and we're all doing well. The Lord's work is wonderful and I'm so happy to be here!
Love you all! Gayauh!
Sister Wasden :)

Just riding the boat to get to the other spots of our area :)
My favorite meal these last few days

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