Monday, June 26, 2017

Week 3? Something like that?

Léihdeih hóu!
This week went by SO FAST! Nothing too wild happened this week, just lots and lots of learning!
My district officially hit our halfway point this weekend! SO CRAZY! It feels like we've been in the MTC for a lifetime and that we still have another lifetime to go, but we still have so much to learn that I'm really just grateful for all the time that we have left (even if we are a tad envious of all the districts getting their flight plans). :)
This past week was also our last time with Lèih Jímuih since she's leaving for her study abroad in the UK. We're all so sad to see her go! She's taught us so much and we'll definitely miss her and her energy but I'm sure she'll have just the best time in Europe. :) Our district talks all the time about how we seriously have the best teachers in the MTC and we're so grateful for every one of them!
Lèih Jímuih also brought in a (fake, don't you worry) sword for a culture lesson this week, which we all thoroughly enjoyed. :) She also gave us all chopsticks as part of that lesson (still not very good at using them but I'll be a pro by the time I'm home, promise), and then Ha Jímuih came in and gave us a really good lesson about them. She asked us why we use two chopsticks instead of just one (which is obviously because you can't do anything with just one), and then she told us about that's like how it is with us and the Lord. We can't do anything without Him, especially not missionary work. That was a really cool lesson for me because I've been working on relying on the Lord more this week, and believe it or not, mission life (and life in general) is a whole lot easier when you're not trying to do everything by yourself. Who would have thought? ;)
In other news, this week is the mission president training conference, so our main building is shut down to missionaries so they can have all of the mission president meetings in there. Every member of the Quorum of the Twelve is here to train them (Elder Bednar walked right by our district yesterday and said hi :)), which has been so cool. Later today our district gets to meet with one of the new mission presidents to help him with his training, which should be really good! I'm excited to see how it all goes. :)
Life is good! I'm learning so much about the gospel and about Chinese and I'm really excited for this coming week!
Love you all! Thank you for everything you do! Gayaùh!
Gwok Jímuih (Sister Wasden)


  1. You started as if nothing much happened this week, and then you continued to tell us all that happened. Sometimes life in the gospel is like that. Things seem normal and suddenly you realize that you and others have learned so much.

  2. Dear Sister Gwok Jímuih, what a refreshing account in your eventful life. You experience more in a 24-hour period than I do in an entire lifetime! I think in order for me to use chopsticks effectively, I would sharpen them and use them to "spear" my food. Come to think of it, how do you "spear" a grain of rice? or, a bowl of soup? This could be a weight reduction plan that no one has published yet! Hey, we will call it the "Gwok Jímuih diet plan!" I think that has a nice ring to it don't you think? :)
    You would be "well-pleased" with Elder Cameron's remarks in Sacrament meeting last Sunday. His talk was preceded by sister Laura Weaver's talk on the subject of "JOY" in Repentance. President Hatch "tied the bow" on everyone's comments with his concluding remarks. I had to keep reminding myself that the mature and experienced man that Cameron has become, is not the same mischievous youth he once was. I re-learned a truth that grandmother Joyce once taught me when she said, "Don't 'talk down' to your grandchildren, they are smarter than you are!" Grandmother kept me "grounded" in humility!
    I presume the two sisters pictured with you in front of the fountain with the Provo Temple in the background, are two Companions in your mission. If height is an indicator of recognition, you will "stand out" in your mission. This can be a very good thing--you will be OUTSTANDING!
    I love you more! Gramps
