Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Weekly :)

Léihdeih hóu!
This has been a crazy week! I have a theory that time flows differently in the MTC, so I'm not actually totally sure what things happened when this week. Or if they even happened this week at all? ANYWAYS, memory problems aside, here's a list of exciting things that are going on for us here in the MTC: :)
1. The 4th of July shower sing-along was a raging success! Not going to lie, we used to kind of joke around about all the people singing in the shower, but then when Lòuh Jímuih and I actually tried it it ended up being way fun and lowkey changed my life. Wish we'd discovered it 7 weeks sooner. ;)
2. Also on the 4th, we all were super cute and wore patriotic colors and Hah Jímuih definitely looked the most patriotic of us all and she doesn't even celebrate the 4th of July, so that was cool (shoutout to Hah Jímuih for not being American). :) (Also the next day we all accidentally wore matching striped shirts. Sorry, those are legitimately the only good pictures I have from this week.)
3. We leave the MTC TWO WEEKS from today! We should be getting our flight plans this Friday and we're all PSYCHED. It still definitely doesn't feel like we'll be really leaving (and probably won't until we're at the airport) but it's for sure an exciting step! We all still have a lot to learn but we're definitely getting really excited to go!
4. Hosting this week was CRAZY but so much fun! It was super super busy (we got 700+ new missionaries this week) and super super hot (about 104 degrees), but then it got super super windy and overcast towards the end which was honestly such a blessing because it cooled down a ton. I got to host one international missionary (from Germany) and four other sisters and it was seriously the best. :)
5. Douh Hingdaih did a fun activity with us in class where we got into groups and acted out Book of Mormon stories, and my group did Alma the Younger's conversion story. I was the angel and Alma Sr., and not to brag or anything, but I'm expecting my Grammy in the mail any day now. ;) Really though, it was so fun to watch everyone's skits and I honestly just love my district so much!
6. My word of the week is "gleichzeitig." It's not even Cantonese, it's German. Shoutout again to Hah Jímuih for not being American. ;)
7. Our devo last night was SO GOOD! My favorite quote was this: "It's not enough to be willing to do ANYTHING to have a successful mission; you have to be willing to do EVERYTHING." Super cool. :) He also talked a lot about becoming a "go-to missionary" and how to be the best we can be and I just loved it so much.
I think that's about it? Life is oh so good here and I'm learning so much! This really is the Lord's work and it's been so amazing to see everyone growing and progressing! I can't wait to get out into the field and share this awesome gospel with everyone!
Thank you everyone all for all you do! Love you all so much! Gayàuh!
Gwok Jímuih (Sister Wasden)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sister Gwok Jímuih,
    I love your cheerful and upbeat postings. After reading and re-reading this one several times, I came to the realization that your grandmother Carson was not coming to the MTC to visit you. Apparently, I confused the words, "Grammy" with "Grandmother!" :) Okay, give me credit for a rudimentary sense of humor. Your mother coaches me about "timing" my jokes better--I'm still working on this issue!
    I know that you are working hard so I will not preach that aspect of missionary work to you. I will however, encourage you to pray for discernment and the protection of the Spirit of The Lord as you proceed toward the China Hong Kong phase of your mission. Know this: You, your companions, Mission President, and the people are being remembered in the prayers of many, in your behalf.
    I love you more! Gramps
