Sunday, February 25, 2018

A Week of Growth

Leihdeih hou!
Not going to lie, this week has been pretty hard. Being in a trio is harder than I expected (although thankfully we all get along great and our sense of humor is straight fire, let me tell you), and covering two areas is way harder than I expected, and trying to adjust to doing both of those things at the same time (while two of my two companions are basically on their deathbeds with bronchitis/the cold and while we have a new district leader who is really pushing us to be better than we've ever been before and better than we think we can even be, which is admittedly a good thing) has been an interesting experience. Here's some things I've learned:
1. It's okay to struggle (you'd think I would have learned that week 2 in the MTC, hahaha)
2. Communication fixes pretty much everything (you'd think I would have learned that sooner too)
3. Growing mentally and emotionally and spiritually is like growing physically--when you grow really really fast all at once, it gives you lots of growth pains. It's not fun and it hurts a lot, but the good news is that by the end of it, you're not a puny eleven-year-old anymore. Not that there's anything wrong with being eleven, but once you're not eleven anymore, you know that there's so many better things ahead (has anyone ever tried being nineteen? I'll probably look back at this and laugh at that when I'm thirty, haha). I hope none of you are ever content with being a tiny eleven-year-old. The growth pains hurt but they're worth it.
4. Chocolate doesn't fix everything, but it sure helps.
So yeah, it's been a week of really fast growing, but I've already learned a lot! I'm definitely feeling stretched in almost every way I can be, but the good news is that when we rely on the Savior, He'll keep us from snapping. And that's the best news I can share. :)
In other news, I hit my 9 month mark this past week! I still feel like a little baby missionary, so it's crazy that before too long I'll be considered what we call "experienced" (now that I'm here I'm figuring out that that term is a joke, hahaha). Since I'm serving an almost 19 month mission (due to the way transfers work out), I'm not quite over the hill yet though! (And no, I'm definitely not using the discrepancy between my 9 month mark and my halfway mark as an excuse to treat myself to fancy Chinese junk food twice... Definitely not. ;)) Thanks for all your love and support on this crazy adventure of mine! Love you all so much, let me know if there's anything I can do for you. :)
Love you! Gayauh!
Sister Wasden

1. Transfer day! Saying goodbye to Sister Bannagao :(
3. A nice morning greeting on a sign in our mall

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