Sunday, May 27, 2018

Another Week, Another Apostle :)

Leihdeih hou!
So for starters, last week Elder Bednar came to Hong Kong, but the missionaries didn't get a chance to meet with him (he was on a tight schedule), but we DID get the chance to meet with Elder Gong this past Thursday! Hong Kong is getting a lot of attention from the General Authorities lately and the missionaries are definitely not complaining. Elder Gong and his wife are so sweet! Elder Gong spoke to us a lot about loving your companions and making them your eternal friends, which I loved. No problems here because I've really been blessed with stellar companions my whole mission and I am so grateful for each of them.
Elder Gong meeting with the missionaries was also really special because it happened to fall on my ONE YEAR mark! ONE YEAR on the mission! It kind of blows my mind because on the one hand, I feel like I've lived in Hong Kong my whole life, and on the other hand, I feel like I just got here and still don't really know what I'm doing, haha. Regardless, 6 months left sounds like WAY too short of a time and I'm planning on living them out the very best I can. :)
We also had zone conference this week! It was mostly just training on our new smartphones and finding new ways to utilize them. I feel like I could better utilize them if I knew characters, but that's a work in progress. Really though, I'm so grateful for them already and we don't even have data yet! Smartphones were clearly an inspired move and I'm excited to see how the work moves forward with them.
Anyways, I'm doing well. The church is so true and I feel so blessed to be able to be in Hong Kong trying to share it. The work is hard but it's oh so good!
Love you all! Gayauh!
Sister Wasden

1. MTC reunion at Elder Gong's meeting (minus Elder Bagley who booked it out before we could catch him)
2. My beautiful Sister Low :)
3. Sister Briggs and I and Sister Lee, a sweet old lady in our ward. Have I mentioned yet how much I love each of my comps?

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