Monday, May 14, 2018


Leihdeih hou!
Okay, so I know I say this a lot, but this is going to be the worst weekly ever. So sorry.
This week has been so busy that looking back on it, I can't really remember anything that happened. It's all a blur. A blur of wonderful people and oh so much food. Since Sister Lee is heading home this week, we've eaten with members every single day, and sometimes twice in a day, which has been crazy (I'm used to member meals maybe once a week). It's been so fun though and has been such a great chance for me to get to know the ward better before I take over the area on Thursday. This area seriously has such sweet members and I love them all so much.
I think I also went on exchanges this week but maybe that was last week? No, I think it was this week. Whenever it was, it was pretty fun.
Yesterday was Sister Lee's last Sunday in the ward, so we had a nice ward-wide photoshoot. Some pictures attached. The members here really love the missionaries and it's definitely reciprocated, trust me.
The best part of my week: I Skyped my mom (and the rest of my family) this morning! Moms are pretty much the best thing ever and I'm so grateful for mine. Everyone take a second to be grateful for your mom. Happy Mothers' Day, folks.
I know I also say this a lot but I don't think I'll ever be able to say it enough: I love Hong Kong! Also missions are great. Also my mom is the best. And the church is true. That's all.
Love you all! Gayauh!
Sister Wasden

Some members. I am so tall here.
One of our favorite members works at a Japanese restaurant. This makes for a wonderful cheng out.
I've never been so tired. This is starting to become a nightly ritual.
My apartment pals :)
This lady in our ward has cute twins and they are 100% accessories. They get passed around for photo ops every single week, hahaha. Here's one of them with some of our other members.
​​Brother Si (our ward Bible expert) and A-Him (our stellar ward mission leader)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Granddaughter and Sister Wasden,
    Leihdeih hou!
    I was once Bishop to Clay Anstead in Chico, CA. Clay, later became an LDS Chaplain and participated in my Priesthood blessing when I became a Chaplain. When he retired from the military, I attended his ceremony and learned that he and his wife, Tammie would serve a language assignment from BYU to China. They are near the completion of their assignment and may visit Hong Kong. I tell you this lengthy introduction because there is a possibility you might meet them at church or some other place. Then again, you may not meet them at all.
    We are preparing for our annual Armed Forces Day Concert at the Gallivan Plaza park this Saturday. I am debating the financial commitment of participating with the Choir to sing at Carnegie Hall in 2019.
    I performed my fifth, (5) wedding as a Chaplain last weekend--I'm getting the reputation of being a "Marrying" Chaplain. (I prefer this over being a "Burying" Chaplain!)
    Okay, enough about my "news" thank you for your detailed accounts and sharing your testimony--I admire your courage and determination. Remember, The Lord is on your side!
    I love you more!
