Monday, July 9, 2018

Another Week :)

Leihdeih hou!
Nothing too wild this week. It's been good, filled with lots of finding and running all over the place (as is the drill when you don't live in your area). Here's a few highlights:
1. Last week we had a big birthday party for a few of our missionary pals for pday! We all got lunch and just hung out at the church and it was so fun!
2. I went to MLC last week! President and Sister Phillips are so sweet and I'm excited to get to know them better and see what they do with the mission. I'm so grateful for all of the inspired leaders that I've been privileged to work with while serving here in Hong Kong.
3. Lots and lots of finding. Did I mention that? Haha
4. Surprise! Our cute little investigator Jacky is actually 7, not 8! So he'll be getting baptized in December, not July, haha. He's so cute though and is progressing so well. We'll keep visiting him every week and teaching him. He's my favorite.
This week in personal study I read a talk called "Following Up" by Elder Ballard. Aside from an adorable story about him and his wife (my favorite kinds of stories), it has a lot of good advice on how we, as members, can better do missionary work, and I'd invite each of you to read it. It was so good and I'll be setting some goals based off of the things I learned.
Anyways, life is good and the church is true. I also read another quote this week (I can't remember who by, I'm so sorry) that says something along the lines of "the gospel promises us a rock in the whirlwinds, not an umbrella" and I love that. No matter what we're going through, we've got a solid foundation in Christ and His teachings. Remember that. :)
Love you all! Gayauh!
Sister Wasden

P-day party
MLC desserts (orange rolls, cinnamon rolls, and lemon rolls. We love Elder Roskelley and his baking)
Finding out on the pier with my girl Sister Perry

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