Sunday, September 9, 2018

Hi am I in Mexico or HK

Leihdeih hou!
Nothing too wild to report this week! Lots and lots of finding. We did get a new investigator and she's adorable! So that's good news.
All of our complaining about the rain finally paid off and we had a nice clear week this week! ...Which means that it was SO HOT. So yeah, we'd like to formally apologize to the weather. The rain is welcome back anytime.
Also, it's that time of the transfer! It's... exchanges! I brought Sister Mangubat to PFL this week. She just got here 4 weeks ago but I was so impressed by her love for the work and her dedication to the gospel. Cute little Sister Mangubat got baptized in the Philippines under two years ago and she just doesn't slow down. As usual, I'm supposed to be the one doing the teaching in exchanges and I always end up doing all the learning.
This week we also decided to treat ourselves (and accidentally celebrate my half-birthday, hahaha) by making guacamole. Did it cost us an arm and a leg? Almost. (Thankfully, we've got a really good avocado dealer around here.) Worth every penny? Absolutely.
Lately we've been challenged by our church leaders (especially Elder Evans, the Asia Area President) to use the Book of Mormon more in our teaching. Sister Gaillard and I really took this challenge to heart and it's made such a difference that I can't even begin to explain it all. We've especially noticed this with one of our investigators that we've been meeting for a few weeks now. We emphasized the Book of Mormon from the start, so he knows that the Book of Mormon has all the answers, not us, and it's been amazing to watch him progress. He reads a LOT, and every time we see him he seems more humble and accepting of religion. It's so true, guys.
I'm doing well and life is good. I'm so grateful for all of you! Gayauh!
Sister Wasden

Exchanges :)
Bad English still makes me laugh
Highlight of the week?
The elders had a friend get baptized this week! So happy!
The nature of having a companion whose first language is NOT English. Gotta get her caught up. Happy to do my part.

1 comment:

  1. There is an old adage: "He who would dare to teach, must never cease to learn." I believe you are doing well in this aspect, my dear granddaughter.
    Keep on keeping on, I love you more!

