Sunday, August 19, 2018

No Big Typhoons Yet??

Leihdeih hou!
Ummm. Nothing too crazy to report on this week.
This is important though: FIVE GUYS IS COMING TO HONG KONG. Let me repeat that: FIVE GUYS. IS COMING. TO HONG. KONG. I can't even believe my luck. I think this is a direct miracle in my life, and oh am I grateful. Here's hoping it opens before I get transferred away from the Island, or I'll have to travel a lot farther to go on p-day!
This week we also had zone conference! It went really well and President and Sister Phillips are angels. The whole mission is also abuzz because President Phillips changed the music rules, so now we are allowed to listen to anything that is "spiritual, classical, or church released" instead of just green hymnbook and childrens' hymns, so we're all pretty psyched about that.
Umm, let me teach you all some Cantonese! So "fong ngohdeih feigei" (with correct tones, I don't know how to type them up, sorry) is a term that directly translates to "take the airplane" (sort of), and it basically means to stand someone up. Us missionaries Chinglish that to say that someone "fonged" us when they don't show up to something they said they would show up to. Here's how to use it in a sentence: Yesterday Sister Gaillard and I got fonged eight times! True story hahaha. Four of them were going to come to church, and the other four fongs were lessons (two potentials, one less active, and one member), so at least we had a good variety! It sounds pretty rough and it actually is kind of rough but that's just part of the fun here, hahaha. Eight is a high score for me, I'll let you know if I can beat that in the future. :)
This week I've been really learning about being happy despite your trials. I've always worked really hard to keep a positive attitude about things, but I'm really working on letting Christ (and also my companion and other friends) help me handle my trials instead of trying to shoulder them all by myself. Christ is there for us in the good times and in the bad. Don't forget that. :)
Love you all! Have a good week! Gayauh!
Sister Wasden

I may not have Five Guys yet but at least I have Subway.
Central area. Gorgeous as always.
We were with the Kowloon West and Kowloon East zones for zone conference this week and 4 out of my 7 companions were there! Look at these blessings.

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