Sunday, August 5, 2018

Sam once fished three mice from Lake Nahuel Huapi

Leihdeih hou!
I wasn't kidding when I said I was taking submissions for a better subject line, hahaha.
This week has been good!
We had MLC. Always a good experience. We talked a lot about what a gift and blessing repentance is. Make sure you're doing that every day, okay? A lot of people would give a lot to know that they've been given a second, third, and millionth chance.
I also went on exchanges in Chai Wan again, with Sister Ang (from New Zealand) this time! It's always fun to spend more time with the pals and see other gorgeous areas in Hong Kong. I learned a lot and I'm so grateful for these angels I serve with. :)
We also got transfer calls this week! Sister Briggs and I stress-baked banana bread while we waited for the call to come in. It was delicious. I'll be staying in Pok Fu Lam, and I couldn't be happier about that! This ward is seriously so special. The sad news is that Sister Briggs will be leaving mer. She's one of my dearest friends and we are devastated to be separated, but I think that's how missions go. You pour your whole heart and soul into an area, a ward, and into your companion, and then in the end you leave and get to find your heart and soul again in a new area. Just more people to love though, right? :) My new companion will be.. Sister Gaillard, from France! If her name sounds familiar to you, that's because it should! We were companions for two weeks back in Tai Wai/Sha Tin and it's so crazy that we're comps again! Excited for what should be a good transfer!
In other news, yesterday in primary we had to have the "when we sing songs in primary we sing them in Cantonese, not in Mandarin, okay?" talk again, and I realized yet again that all these kids are way smarter than me.
Life is good. Repentance is real. Missions are the best. Love you all.
Sister Wasden

Jyu Wing and Ho Wing, our music student and BFFs
Are my eyes blue or brown, you tell me
Our primary cuties
Tim and Ann, angels in this world
Baking with the zone sisters for p-day today!
Hong Kong I LOVE YOU

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