Monday, July 17, 2017


Léihdeih hóu!!
This week has been so good! We only have ONE MORE WEEK in the MTC so things have been picking up!
This past week we finally got our Chinese tags! They came a couple of weeks late, and we'll get totally different tags once we're actually in the field, and we can also only wear these ones when we're in the classroom, but we were all really excited nonetheless. :)
Also this week we finally got our FLIGHT PLANS! One week from today I will be on an airplane heading to CHINA! We were all so nervous to see if our visas went through or not that it basically felt like mission calls part 2, but it all turned out well. Our whole district (plus two other missionaries that are in the fast track district) will all be flying together. I've come to love my district SO MUCH and I'm so glad that we won't have to say goodbye because we're all going to the same place together. :)
This week Douh Hingdaih taught us a bunch of Chinese idioms, and long story short, I LOVE CHINESE. Seriously guys, Chinese is GREAT. The idiom we really focused on was "po fú chàhm jàu," which means "break pots sink ships" and it comes from a story about a battle where they broke all the enemies' pots and sunk all their ships so that way they couldn't eat or escape, so their only options were to win or die. Douh Hingdaih used that as an analogy for our missions (and our lives) and talked about how we need to break all of our own pots and our own ships so that we can go ALL IN with no excuses and no regrets. Super super cool. :)
Yesterday our district decided to watch "Character of Christ" by Elder Bednar again for our Sunday film (I had to miss like half of it the first time, so we wanted to be sure to watch all of it again) and HOLY COW IT'S JUST SO GOOD. He talks mostly about how Christ has always turned outward to serve others instead of turning inward to worry about Himself, and if we want to be Christlike we should focus on doing the exact same thing, and it was a super cool thing to hear. Really excited to start applying what I learned, especially out in the field!
Ummm I think that's about it for this week! In other news, I'm starting to think in Chinglish and sometimes when I say things I can't tell if I'm speaking Chinese or English (or sometimes even Spanish? Don't know what's up with that), so that's pretty cool. :)
I've been so blessed here and I'm so grateful to be learning so much! Life is so good!
Love you all! Thanks for all you do! Have such a good week and remember to turn outward. :)
Ngóh ngoi léihdeih! Gàyàuh!
Gwok Jímuih (Sister Wasden) :)

1 comment:

  1. Another wonderful blog. I am glad to know that you received my email concerning sister Webb. Seriously, what is with the "pale face" war paint? Has your uncle Crispin been influencing you? :) Elder Bednar reminds me a good deal of one my favorite Apostles: Elder Neal A. Maxwell. They both speak eloquently yet, in clear terms so that they cannot be misunderstood.I am glad that you are getting exposure to powerful testimonies to strengthen your own.

    As the time quickly approaches for your departure from the MTC, I hope that you will take with you, the memories of your learning, and spiritual experiences. At some point, you may have to refresh those memories to propel you forward. Know this too: You are the subject of many prayers. I LOVE YOU MORE! Gramps
