Sunday, September 3, 2017

The Weekly! :)

Leihdeih hou!
This week has been so crazy and it's gone by so fast that I just know I'm not going to be able to put together a comprehensible update, so here's some highlights!
1. We went to a mummy museum for p-day last week! It was super cool and super interesting, but boy am I glad that we have the truth about what happens after we die. The history was super awesome though. :)
2. We had a carbon monoxide scare or two in our apartment a few nights ago! The housing elders had to come over to shut our gas off and we slept with the windows open just to be sure (Sister Lee didn't appreciate my pros and cons list of sleeping warm (windows open, thus counteracting our precious AC hours) or dying cold (windows closed), hahaha.) We're all alive though, no worries there. :)
3. Sister Mak and I officially had our 100-day mark this past week! We obviously went out and celebrated in the most Chinese way we could... with KFC. No regrets there. :)
4. We had SO MANY cool lessons this week! Our investigators are all doing really well and we have a lot of potentials that we have high hopes for! It's been cool to see how as we've followed promptings, we've been lead to find a lot of really cool and open people who are ready for the gospel. This really is the Lord's work, and He's definitely leading it!
5. Funny story for the week: this week we visited the sweetest old couple. As is tradition, they wanted to give us food as we walked in, but since we actually surprise visited them (we weren't able to get a hold of them over phone), all they had was soda. They were super sweet and pulled out two cans and put straws into them and everything, and then as they passed them to us, it became very obvious that it was actually cans of beer, not soda, and they were SO embarrassed! I laughed SO HARD, hahaha. They gave us nice glasses of water instead after that.
6. We're in the middle of another typhoon! This one is only a level 3 though, and should pass by Hong Kong before it hits an 8, hallelujah.
Life is so good! This gospel is so true, and there's nowhere else I'd rather be than here in Hong Kong sharing what I love with the people I love. :) Thanks for all your love and support, you are all the best!
Gwok Jimuih

1. Sister Christensen and I in the science museum
2. Me with the big city
3. Part of TaiWai, which is NOT the big city. I know there's monkeys out there in those hills and I want to meet one so badly. Updates to come on that front.

1 comment:

  1. What a great report. How did you know the Chinese for beer?
    100 days already, and KFC original Chinese chicken too.
    Recognizing gthe Lord;s hand in all you do is wonderful.
    Love, Grandma and Grandpa
