Sunday, June 10, 2018

This Weeeeek

Leihdeih hou!
Sorry I never have exciting email subjects. Accepting suggestions.
Anyways. This week was good!
This week I tried white chocolate with pop rocks mixed in! This was a magical experience. At that very same meal, I also tried pig ears for the first time. This was a less magical experience.
Last week for p-day Sister Briggs and the West Point sisters met up with Sister Risenmay and Sister Gaillard (my last comps) for lunch at a slightly sketchy Indian buffet! Good food with good friends, what more could you ask for for a good p-day?
We also had our first typhoon of the season this past week! Lots and lots of rain, but it was only a Level 3, so life continued as usual.
This week we also met with our cute investigator Jacky! I've been reading lots of church talks (seriously, LDS Library is amazing) about the responsibility we have in teaching little children and raising them up with good values, and I've definitely seen that in action with Jacky. I swear, something in my heart explodes every time we visit Jacky and he looks at us (in between throwing various things at us, he is an eight-year-old after all) and says that he knows Jesus loves him. I wish everyone else could know that too.
This week we also had MLC! We were talking a lot about obedience (always a popular topic) and about having a more positive attitude about life and the work (because oh man is serving a mission in Hong Kong (and serving a mission in general) hard, but if that's all you focus on, that's all you'll ever get out of it), and we talked a bit about Abraham and Isaac. Abraham wanted his whole life to have a son, and he finally got Isaac, and then God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. That seems like a really hard, really tough commandment, but it proved Abraham's obedience, and in the end God provided and Isaac was saved (this is President Lam's favorite story about obedience because Isaac was old enough to choose and he needed to be obedient too). Anyways, one of the missionaries asked if we thought that God knew that Abraham would obey, and of course He knew. God knows everything. The question here is not if God knew, but if Abraham knew. That's true in our lives as well. Sometimes things are really really hard, but God already knows how you'll handle it. Sometimes, He wants YOU to know how you'll handle it. To quote President Lam, "God knows you. He's placed you here because He wants you to know what you're made of." So yeah, life is hard, and I'm not going to lie, being a missionary is hard too. But I'm learning so much about myself, and I'm doing things I never even believed I'd be able to do. And you all can too! If you're having a hard time, take a second to ask God what He wants to to learn about yourself (and about Him, and about the Savior, and about life) from this trial. If you're humble and willing, you'll learn a lot, guaranteed.
I love you all! Thanks for all the support. Gayauh!
Sister Wasden

The apartment squad
Indian foooood
The pals
We are the granola queens.
We got caught in the typhoon for, I kid you not, twenty seconds and were completely soaked through.
Trying pig ear! No tears here!

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