Monday, June 25, 2018

This Week Was Crazy

Leihdeih hou!
This week has been crazy! So we're going for another highlights reel. As usual. Sorry.
My apartment is no longer dying. This is a blessing.
I went on splits with each of the West Point sisters this week. I love them both and it was so fun getting to teach and do the Lord's work with them.
So last week we had our apartment inspected and they found out that the concrete outside our window was cracked (and this is a bad thing because we live on the 23rd floor so if it fell we might be in a little bit of trouble). So we had a crew come in to fix it! Three days of men wandering through our house. Construction here is intense though--the scaffolding is made of bamboo and they can take it up and down within an hour and these guys have NO FEAR. We about had heart attacks for them though.
I had my last interview with President Lam before he goes home next week! I'm so grateful for him and Sister Lam and their example of selfless service and complete consecration and I'll miss them SO MUCH.
We had lots and lots of activities this week! Service, a Relief Society activity, and a ward music activity that was for both PFL and ABD wards. Let me tell you, they do NOT mess around here! It was so fun! The missionaries were asked to perform, so we did a sign language thing, and it was pretty fun, although I'd probably prefer to not to it again, haha.
Today we went to a monastery called Kwun Yam for p-day and it was SO COOL. I don't even have the words to describe how beautiful and serene it all was.
We also got move calls this week and... Sister Briggs and I will be staying together! We couldn't be happier. :)
Anyways, that's pretty much it. It doesn't sound that wild but it's been a crazy week!
Last thoughts: I've thought a lot this week about sharing our talents. That's something that's always been kind of hard for me (because piano and violin happen to be my talents and I have awful stagefright), but lately I've been asked to play piano a lot in ward choir, and in primary, and in sacrament meeting, and I've actually been loving it. It's so nice to find different ways to serve, and I'd encourage each of you to do the same. :) Also, I want to be primary pianist for the rest of my life. That's all.
Love you all so much! Gayauh!
Sister Wasden

1. Our cute deaf members. So much love.
3. These fearless little monkeys, 23 stories up.
4. Rain for daaayyys.
5. Us performing. If you look closely, my skirt has monkeys on it and I'm kind of obsessed with it.
6. Post-performance.
7. Rain makes everything lovely here
8. Kwun Yam :) If your legs aren't covered enough they give you cool wrap things to cover up, so we purposely wore our shortest missionary-appropriate skirts so we could get the wraps, haha.

1 comment:

  1. Leihdeih hou!
    Wow--23rd floor; You are already in the heavens! I am so pleased that you have the opportunity to continue playing the piano. Music plays such an important part of our worship. There are sermons and doctrine taught in the text of the hymns. The announcement of new hymn and children's books is exciting. Apparently, a number of patriotic and non-worshipful hymns will be removed and replaced with more universal and comprehensive hymns fitting for a world-wide church. We probably won't see it anytime soon because hymn selections are underway and members can actually provide input at this point. Sister Janice Kapp Perry has contributed many hymns. The selections will surely have her "fingerprints" on the final works...there seems to be a parallel with Emma Smith and the 1830 first edition. She has written 70 albums and 10 hymns are in the Children's book. I both read and listened to interviews with sister Perry--she is a remarkable person. You are a remarkable person as well.

    Gayauh! I love you more! Gramps
