Sunday, October 21, 2018

"How Can I Be a Missionary Without My High Tones?" --Me

Leihdeih hou!
It's been a wild week.
This week I came down with this awful cold. It's been 8 days now and I'm still trying to kick it. It's been funny though--I nearly completely lost my voice for a couple of days there, but I TOTALLY lost my higher registers. This, in English, is no problem, but in Cantonese, a tonal language, it proved to be a bit of a (hilarious) challenge. ALL OF MY HIGH TONES WERE GONE. That means that I'd speak a sentence and only like every other word would come out, leaving me dying laughing (and dying coughing) and the person I was trying to communicate with confused (good thing on the Island I can get away with English). Lots and lots of laughs here.
We did Helping Hands service on the beach again! And our cute new friend Nida came! SO FUN.
I also went on exchanges in Chai Wan with Sister Mangubat (from the Philippines)! So fun and I love all the cute sisters in my zone. :)
We had interviews this past week too! President and Sister Phillips are ANGELS. That is all.
Also, I've been afraid to announce it for the past few weeks in fear of a heat relapse, but I'm going to say it now: AUTUMN IS HERE. We're having less and less rain and more and more cool weather (I even wore a CARDIGAN the other day) and We. Are. Living for it. Bless.
Anyways, time for pictures.
Love you all. God is good. Please go review conference, again and again and again. Remember that God loves us, so He'll never give us more trails than we can handle, but because He loves us, He'll also never give us less trials than we need.
Sister Wasden

Beach service :)
Card games and cereal for dinner, anyone?
Games night with SO MANY FUN PEOPLE
Saying goodbye to the Chan family, who is moving out of our ward :( :( :(
Cute shirts given to us by an even cuter member :)

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