Sunday, August 13, 2017


Leihdeih hou!
This week has been so good!
Here's some exciting things that happened:
1. Last p-day Sister Christensen and I played badminton with a member and it was seriously SO. MUCH. FUN. Like, I got to show off my awful hand-eye coordination at first, but then we got the hang of it and now we're pretty much professionals. You're looking at your next Olympic badminton team. ;)
2. We also ate at a member's house this week! It was my first time eating with a member and it actually went super well and I had so much fun! Also I think this week we're being treated to Pizza Hut and I. Am. PSYCHED.
3. We had zone conference this week and we were combined with Kowloon West so I got to see a bunch of MTC friends! Love my zone so much. :)
4. This week we were on the MTR heading home and some random guy took a special interest in Sister Christensen and followed us off the train. He would have potentially followed us home except we managed to lose him in the mall. Super exciting, hahaha.
5. We got move calls last night! I'm only a third into my training, so neither Sister Christensen or I are going anywhere, as expected. Rumor has it that in November though, 50% of the mission will be training, so in a couple of transfers move calls should be a lot more exciting. :)
6. This week it got so hot that when it was time to get ready for bed I just laid on my bed and waited to melt and Sister Christensen grabbed an ice cube and just sat there rubbing it on her face. We're ready for some cooler weather for sure.

1. Minions are still definitely a thing here.
2. Pokemon Go is also still definitely a thing here. Mostly only on weekends though. If you see a huge group of people all staring at their phones, you know what's up.
3. There's this Japanese cereal here that everyone is OBSESSED with, and honestly I can see why. It might have changed my life. It changed my breakfasts for sure. I'm hoping that I can find it in America.
4. RAMEN. RAMEN IS SO ADVANCED HERE. They have SO MANY FLAVORS and a WHOLE AISLE in the grocery store is dedicated to it and it makes my college kid heart so happy.
5. Also lizards get into our apartment all the time. This past week Sister Christensen decided that it was my job to perform a catch-and-release and she armed me with a chopstick and a bowl. I failed miserably but he went outside of his own free will later, so it's all good.
6. KIDS HERE ARE SERIOUSLY SO CUTE. I've made it my personal goal to win the love of every child in the TaiWai area and so far I think I'm doing pretty good. All the little babies love to smile back at me and last week when we were visiting a member, I made good friends with her 2-year-old. She was SO CUTE and was obsessed with my freckles, which was so funny.
7. Something that I love about Chinese culture is that you always give your guests a gift, so we always leave appointments with some type of new food to try, which is so cool. Also, everyone brings SO MUCH FOOD to church, and then they give a TON of it to the missionaries, so we always leave church ABSOLUTELY LOADED with candy and snacks, and it's kind of the best. :)

So in love with missionary life! Hong Kong is so great and I love everyone here so much! Life is oh so good. :)
Love you all! Gayauh!
Gwok Jimuih (Sister Wasden)​​

1 comment:

  1. Dear Gwok Jimuih,another sport that seems to be a national pastime is Ping-Pong. I'm playing at a kindergarten level where grandmother Wasden was playing like a professional! I never quite understood the Physics behind "smashing" the ball, and watching it "float" back some twenty feet or so, back to the table for a perfect shot.
    On another subject, are you located anywhere near the Hong Kong China Temple, 2 Cornwall St, Beacon Hill? Apparently, clothing rentals are available but not cafeteria service.
    As part of my International Police Chaplain Conference, I make "Line-of-duty" death presentations. This also includes K9 animals. I will be making a presentation in Salt Lake City with the Sheriff's Department for "Dingo," a wonderful K9 that was shot last month in taking a "bad guy" down. I have another wedding scheduled for the first part of October which, will make three, (3) so far.
    Kayla, I keep you and all Missionaries in my thoughts and prayers both, for safety, and effective teaching results.
    I love you more! Gramps
