Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Leihdeih hou!!!
It's been a crazy week, but Hong Kong is SO GREAT! Get ready for the most chaotic summary of your lives:
The plane ride to Hong Kong was long, but survivable. I (and my luggage) made it in one piece, and that's what counts. :) President and Sister Lam met us at the airport, and they. are. the. BEST. I seriously love them so much! Our whole district stayed in the mission home for a couple of days, and then on Thursday we got to meet our new companions! It was hard saying goodbye to my MTC district, but it was so exciting meeting our new comps! My trainer is Sister Christensen from Arizona and I adore her! She's been out for a year, so her Cantonese is super great, and she's super great, and she's been so patient with me and I am so grateful for her. :) We are over the Tai Wai Area in the Lion Rock Zone, although we actually live in ShaTin with the ShaTin sisters (one of whom is Sister Mak from my MTC district! So fun). We walk through a mall to get to our apartment, which is kind of cool. Our apartments are also thankfully cockroach free (Sister Lam is very proud of that), and I am oh so grateful. :)
Meeting the members and our investigators has been so much fun! They are all SO SWEET and I love all of them so much already! They're also very patient with my elementary Cantonese, and I'm grateful for that too. :)
Oh! Also! We got our new tags and I love them so much! It's cool to actually be able to read Christ's name on my tag for once, since I can't actually read characters, haha.
Other exciting things about Hong Kong:
1. They drink warm water here.
2. Pedestrians don't have the right-of-way. This makes being a pedestrian very exciting.
3. We teach an English class once a week and I love it so much!
4. It's all SO GREEN and I am OBSESSED. I love it here SO MUCH!
It's SO HOT, it's SO HUMID, but I am OH SO HAPPY!
Life is good and this gospel is so true! Make sure you enjoy a nice cold glass of water for me, I sure miss those.
Love you all! Gayauh!
Gwok Jimuih (Sister Wasden) :)


  1. How exciting! We did just drink cold drinks as we began our Fat for the month. The love you have for Bro & Sis Lam, your companions and your investigators is one of the gifts of the Spirit, given especially for missionaries. Your excitement will serve you well as others will notice and be inspired. in addition to all the love you have expressed, we also love you so much! Love, Grandma and Grandpa

  2. Fat for the month sounds horrible. It was supposed to be fast.
