Sunday, November 26, 2017


Leihdeih hou!! This week has been crazy!! We'll go for a highlights reel again because I'm not really sure how else to make it all coherent. Here goes: 1. Last p-day we went to Big Buddha! It was really really cool, really really cold, and really really interesting to learn more about Buddhism. Buddhism is pretty big here, so it was really interesting to learn about it--it definitely helps us to understand people's backgrounds more. 2. We had a zone Thanksgiving feast on Thursday and it was SO MUCH FUN! There was so much food, so much laughter, and so much to be thankful for. Since I'm from Idaho, the zone leaders shamelessly picked Sister Christensen and I to make the mashed potatoes, and let me tell you, they were some of the best mashed potatoes China has ever witnessed. The mission also provides each zone with a turkey, which was a welcome addition to our feast. :) It was so fun to get to hang out with the zone for a little while, and I'm so grateful for all the friendships I've made while out on my mission. Also we have such an inifite number of things to be grateful for and it was good to reflect on those too. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving doing the same thing across the world. :) 3. We got transfer calls this week! I will be staying in Tai Wai, which I was excited to hear because I love Tai Wai so much! Sister Christensen has finished her mission and will be going home, so I'll have a new companion here! I'm really excited to keep working with my sweet ward and also to see what happens here in the next few months! 4. Yesterday was probably the highlight of my whole mission so far. We had THREE baptisms in our ward!! Two of them were the kids of one of our newer members, and the other one was one of our sweet sweet investigators (Sister Lau, who I actually met on my first day here in Tai Wai) that we've been teaching for a long time and we're so happy for all of them! The elders shared a cool spiritual thought (inspired by our big meeting with Elder Evans a couple of weeks ago) about how missionary work is just completing families and it was really cool to see that happen in our investigators' lives. The two kids who were baptized are another step to creating an eternal family, and Sister Lau's family was just completed (her husband was very recently reactivated). We're hoping that she and her husband and their cute baby can be sealed soon! Knowing that my family can be together forever is one of the most precious things in the world to me, and it's really such an amazing opportunity that we have as missionaries to help other people obtain the same blessing of having an eternal family like we have. I LOVE MISSIONARY WORK. Life is great and God is so good. I love you all, so grateful for your love and support! Have a good week! Gayauh! Sister Wasden 郭姊妹 Pictures: 1. One of the temples at Big Buddha 2. Big Buddha 3. Baptisms!! 4. Seriously so cold outside 5. Sister Christensen and I and our sweet Young Women :) 6. Thanksgiving fun!

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