Sunday, January 21, 2018

This Week in HK

Leihdeih hou!
It's been a good week here! We've had lots of lessons (mostly with recent converts and not investigators, but recent convert lessons are some of my favorites anyways), zone conference, and even a cheng out or two (meal with a member or investigator). We have a busy busy week ahead of us and we're so excited to keep working in the Lord's vineyard. :)
Zone conference was so good! We were combined with the Kowloon East and Hong Kong Island zones, and it was kind of cool to see how all of our trainings lined up with each other. The Kowloon East leadership talked about remembering who you are and what your purpose is, the Island talked about having a vision for yourself and setting goals according to that vision, and Lion Rock (aka us :)) talked about the authority that we have as missionaries and how we can make that authority lead to power. All super motivating stuff! It was good to set some goals and to leave ready to make ourselves even better. Goal setting is definitely something that I want to carry with me into post-mission life (and something you can all do too :)). It definitely was not a strength of mine before the mission, but it's something that I'm trying to get better and better at and hopefully I'll be really good at it before I leave. They increase your rate of growth so much and I've come to really appreciate what inspired goals and plans can do.
Okay, so this transfer Sister Risenmay and I are really trying to eat healthy, and for the most part we're doing really good at it, so please excuse these next few sentences about unhealthy foods because they make it sound like we're just eating junk food all the time but they were honestly too good to not mention. One of our cute members chenged us out to pizza this week! Get this: it was a barbecue pizza with peaches and cucumbers on it. And it was some of the BEST PIZZA I've ever had in my entire life. Also are Crispy M&M's a thing in America? They're all the rage here and they are SO GOOD. Okay, that's all. I could also rave to you about all the healthy foods we eat too, but that's not nearly as exciting, is it?
Anyways. I hope you all have a good week! Stay true to the gospel--there's no other way to true and lasting happiness. God will always pull through for you. Praying is actually the coolest thing, make sure you do that lots. Also read your scriptures. Go to church. Serve and love your neighbor. Feed the missionaries pizza. All good and noble things.
Sending you lots of love! Gayauh!
Sister Wasden

Pics: Sister Risenmay and I (study room selfies are way too common on my weekly, I am so sorry) and some typos in my dictionary (it's so dumb but we cried laughing at it). I will get a camera soon and will send home higher quality pictures, I promise (not going to lie, I actually attached a picture from the MTC before my comp sent me these ones. Things are getting desperate)

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