Sunday, January 28, 2018

This Week's Adventures

Leihdeih hou!
This week has been HECTIC! We had a few lessons, a few almost lessons, a few rescheduled lessons, and a few member visits, as well as a new investigator and a few more lined up! Tai Wai kind of went through a slower phase these past couple of months, and I forgot how crazy it is, and how nice it is, to be so busy! It's been great though. :)
A few highlights from this week:
We have English class finding every week. English class finding is always fun because somehow that's the exact two hours every week where you find all the interesting people. This week, this guy named Herman talked to me for 50 minutes straight (in actually really good English) about probably nearly everything under the sun. We discussed baby powder, learning German, teaching English (at least that was kind of relevant), and who even knows what else. He was super nice though, and he really wanted me to remember this little nugget of wisdom that I guess I'll pass on for your benefit: "Knowledge is power, but practice is the key." Sister Risenmay and the elders and I eventually had to leave to go to a member's house, so Herman then went and talked to Sister Bannagao, hahaha.
The member visit was great! Brother Ng served a mission in HK in the late 80's, so it was so fun to see all of his mission pictures, as well as the great fashion of the times. Love our sweet members here.
Miracle of the week: this week we had a zone find in Tai Wai to help us find some new investigators. The NTK elders found Kelvin, who has researched our church a lot and has so many questions! He was so excited to come to church yesterday and he even brought his girlfriend. They have so much interest and we are so excited to work with them!
Looking forward to another good and busy week! This Wednesday we get to go to the temple (so today isn't acutally p-day, we just get to email. P-day will be this Wednesday) and I couldn't be more excited! Life is good, love you all so much! Gayauh!
Sister Wasden

1. Study room selfie. You'll never stop seeing these.
2. View from one of the apartment buildings at night. (Tanner, this is your house. Sorry if it makes you homesick, haha)
3. Me and a sparkly notebook?
4. Some nighttime less-active finding drama
5. In case you forgot what our tags look like

1 comment:

  1. We meet once again on your interesting blog. Thank you for the pictures. I am curious if you ever have the opportunity to play a musical instrument of any type. I don't suppose a violin would be available but how about a piano? Speaking of music, The Choral Arts Society of Utah is invited to sing at Carnegie Hall early in 2019. This will be in addition to our Pops Concerts at Abravanel Hall for two nights in July, Holiday Pops, U of U Graduates concerts, National Anthems, and our Veteran's Day Concert at Gallivan Plaza. Busy but good times! ILYM!
