Sunday, April 15, 2018

Busy Busy Busy

Leihdeih hou!
Okay, so everyone always said that covering two areas will be the busiest part of your mission, and I'm just starting to understand why. We haven't had time to do all of our studies in days. (Thankfully, most of our meetings are in Chinese, so that's kind of language study in and of itself.) We've had lots and lots of meetings with investigators and ward members and I've never been more exhausted or happier. Life is good.
This week was also zone conference! Nothing too wild, except for this piece of news: OUR MISSION IS GETTING SMARTPHONES SOON. Here in Hong Kong, we've been living in the Stone Age: no smartphones, no tablets, only our Nokia bricks and paper records for everything. All of the missionaries are pretty excited, especially because everyone and their dog in Hong Kong uses a texting app to communicate, which makes it really hard to talk to people if you don't also have that app. Exciting to see the work progressing.
This week the missionaires in my zone also got to perform in a singing concert. It was actually a really cool idea--it was a bunch of songs that outlined the story of the Restoration of the gospel, and the missionaries got to sing "Joseph Smith's First Prayer" and it was really pretty.
This coming Saturday President Nelson and Elder Holland and their wives will be visiting Hong Kong, and as excited as we are for smartphones, we're ALL even more excited about that! We've all got some investigators coming and we're all so excited to hear the words of a living prophet in person. God is so good.
This week I've also been doing some studying in First Nephi, and I really loved 1 Nephi 16:23. This is when Nephi's bow broke, and he really needed to find a way to provide food for his whole family. While I was reading, I noticed something I hadn't noticed before. Verse 23 says: "And it came to pass that I, Nephi, did make out of wood a bow, and out of a straight stick, an arrow; wherefore, I did arm myself with a bow and an arrow, with a sling and with stones. And I said unto my father: Whither shall I go to obtain food?" Nephi made himself AN arrow. As in, only one arrow. Nephi must have had SO MUCH FAITH to trust that not only would the Lord tell him where to go to obtain food, but also that the Lord would magnify his abilities enough that the first shot would be enough. We find out later that he killed many animals for food, so his first shot was enough over and over again. That's really all there is to it--trust in the Lord, rely on Him, and He'll make your arrow, whatever it is, enough, every time.
Love you all so much. Gayauh :)
Sister Wasden

1. Us and the Sha Tin elders at a cheng out (member meal). Update: I've had it at least 3 times now, and my answer has been the same every time--pigeon is delicious.
2. Our RC Ivy is the classiest person; this is what we ate at our last meeting with her. Homemade scones with cream and jam. SO GOOD.
3. So to get to and from Ivy's house, we have to walk up and down this huge mountain, and poor Sister Gaillard has some knee problems. After all of Dad's problems, I don't mess around when it comes to knees, so when Sister Gaillard was having knee pain on the way down the mountain, this is the best solution I could think of.
4. Too real. To quote Elder Long: "I feel like on the mission eating just becomes a hobby." Also English mistakes here are my most favorite things.

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