Sunday, April 29, 2018

This Weeeek

Leihdeih hou!
So a Chinese girl, a Korean girl, and an American girl all went hiking through the mountains in Hong Kong. That's not the start of a bad joke, that was my p-day last week! Sister Lee and I went and did the Dragon's Back hike with our Sha Tin pal Macy, and it was so gorgeous. We accidentally picked a very hot day to go and accidentally picked the hottest time of said hot day to climb the mountains, but despite that, it was still really fun and really good to catch up with Macy. Also did I mention that it was completely gorgeous? Hong Kong is such a special place, that is all.
Nothing too wild to report for the rest of the week. I love this area. Our members are SO INVOLVED and we've had dinner almost every day this week (which is unheard of in my last area). I'm full of food and full of love. We had a few really really cool lessons with potentials and recent converts, and it's amazing to me how prepared some people are for the gospel, even when on first glance they don't seem like it. God's really working hard, and it's just our job to do our best to keep up!
I guess that's kind of my message today. God is preparing so many people for the gospel, and so many people have been searching for the peace that it offers for years. They may not look like it, but they're there, and the only way we can find who's ready and who's not is by sharing with EVERYONE! If you're already sharing, keep going! If you're not yet, start slow. Share something on Facebook. Keep Christ's name on your lips. It will come. :)
Thanks for all you do and for all the support. Sending love to you all!
Sister Wasden :)

1. Us hiking Dragon's Back
2. I can't even include all the gorgeous views from this hike, but here's one of them
3. Us at a member's house :)
4. A classic HK scene for your viewing pleasure

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