Monday, April 9, 2018


Leihdeih hou!
This week was so good! Sister Risenmay and I got to take out a baby missionary on splits on her first night here in Hong Kong, and she was so adorable and so excited to be here in Hong Kong! Taking out baby missionaries always reminds me that 1. I'm happy that I'm not a baby anymore, and 2. Hong Kong is a really cool place to be and I should be so excited to be here 24/7.
We are also now officially back in a trio! Sister Gaillard is the most energetic and excited person I've ever met and she has brought exactly the energy that Tai Wai and Sha Tin are needing. Her love for the people is inspiring and I'm so excited that I get to keep working here in the Lord's vineyard alongside her and Sister Risenmay.
Also, as you can see, I LOVE CONFERENCE. General Conference as a missionary is basically just two days of Christmas. We soak up every moment and it's over too fast! President Nelson is just the cutest, and we're all so excited about Elder Gong! Since he served in the Asia Area Presidency for a while, he spent that time living right here in Hong Kong, only a 30 minute subway ride from me. I've developed such a love for living prophets on my mission and I never want to take them for granted again! I hope you don't either. Review their words, apply them, and watch your life change. I also am in love with the idea of ministering, and I've already studied a lot about how I personally can be a better minister, and it's been insightful. I have a lot to improve! I'd invite each of you to do the same--prayerfully study what your spiritual gifts are, and then identify how you can use each one to uplift and bless someone else. It will make you so much happier and you'll be used to help so many of God's children. I'm so grateful for inspired leaders and for their counsel on how we can better follow our Savior.
Life is good! Thanks for all your love and support. :) Gayauh!
Sister Wasden

1. KBQ with the members last p-day!
2. Pictured: us visiting a 105-year-old lady in our ward. Not pictured: us sweating to death underneath those awful sick masks.
3. Us and our baby missionary
4. All the sisters in our zone got lunch together between sessions of conference on Saturday. Love these people. Sorry I don't have a picture of the trio yet! Sister Gaillard is the one taking this picture. :)

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