Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Weekly :)

Leihdeih hou! This week has been good! Nothing too spectucularly crazy, but a good busy week nonetheless. :) For p-day last week, we went to this gorgeous place called Stanley and I'd definitely recommend it! There was a lot of cool stuff to explore, but we mostly did some shopping in the market so that Sister Christensen and I could buy some souvenirs. Super awesome though! This transfer, we've been really focusing on finding a lot of new investigators since our investigator pool has been shrinking. To make it more fun, Sister Christensen and I have given ourselves a different finding challenge every day, and we've been seeing so many small miracles. For example, on Monday our challenge was to talk to every person we came across that was wearing a yellow shirt and sunglasses. The bus ride home from Stanley is pretty long, and we ended up sitting with a bunch of guys that were visiting from the states. One of them asked us a TON of questions about our religion and how missionary life goes, and we of course were very happy to answer them. They were all so nice, and then as they stood up to get off at their stop, we realized that the guy who had been the most interested was wearing a yellow shirt, AND he had sunglasses on his collar! SO COOL. We also went paak muhning (door-knocking) on Saturday. It's not allowed here for the most part, because most residential areas have security guards that will kick you out if you try, but there's certain village-type areas that have no such guards, so it's okay there. I was kind of terrified to try because that's something that I've never really done before, but it was actually so much fun! It was less of door-knocking and more of just talking to people on the streets and on their porches (because these villages have REAL porches, how crazy is that?) and we met some really cool people that we'll be swinging by to visit again soon. :) All this finding has also been a big testimony builder for me that when you do the work, God will give you the blessings, even if it's not in the way you expected. Although we've been doing TONS of finding, we haven't really found any new investigators through our efforts, which has been kind of frustrating, but we're remaining hopeful. Sister Christensen kept saying that the new investigators would come from SOMEWHERE, and lo and behold, yesterday at church a member from out of the blue brought two of her friends to church! We'll hopefully be meeting with them soon, and I'm hoping it all goes well! That's pretty much it for the week, haha. Hopefully more exciting things to come in next week's update! Love you all! Thanks for all the love! :) Sister Wasden 郭姊妹

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes, you just have to think "outside the box" and get creative. I love how that often results in unanticipated rewards. You will find that the Holy Ghost is responsive to your humble approach and will direct your paths.
    I pray for your mission and the people you are contacting, whether you know it or not, you are being observed.

    I love you more! Gramps
